Metal Medic Super Hero Blue GPDR Glue 0.5 KG

29,95 Ex. VAT (BTW)

Super Hero Collision Glue

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SKU: M61 Categories: , ,


PULLS EQUALLY AWESOME ON PAINTED OR BARE SUBSTRATES..Another fantastic PDR/GPDR, Collision glue from METAL MEDIC GLUE SYSTEMS!! This glue is a refined forumula that has a great new color,  broader tempature range and MORE PULLING POWER! Specifically formulated for the collision industry, GPDR and Smash work as well as the strongest PDR glue available.  It bonds incredibly well  to automotive finishes and  to Bare Metal or Bare Aluminum. It is a Direct to metal glue that can also be used on painted surfaces. It is easy to use and gives consistently great pulls from hail repair  using a mini lifter to working with a frame machine to pull out major collision damage and tension pulls. The Best Glue you never tried. You Get 1 pound of glue per pack, 16- 12 inch sticks. Price per inch is very competitive in price.

0,5 kg

Additional information

Weight 0,5 kg

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